The impact that is first created happens within the four walls first. It happens internally, the community and family that is built through the staff. It’s the dynamic serving alongside one another. Having the opportunity to impart life lessons in kindness, service, hard work, and genuine love for others. Though they might not always be an active member of our force, they carry with them the foundations and lessons that make up who Steam Anchor is!
“… I just wanna take a moment to say thank you. Thank you (Steam Anchor) for not only pushing me beyond my comfort zone but for believing in me when I didn't even believe in myself. I'm so happy and honored to be apart of this amazing team! I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for me.” -Jade Tharp

The next impact is externally within our community and our guests. Steam Anchor donates to numerous local organizations, schools, clubs, not for profits, and more. We LOVE our communities, and we will continue to support and rally behind them, as we are one of them. With that, we are honored by the impact that happens just by the action of serving with authentic love for others. The stories are endless with the love people have for their local coffee hot spot and food joint!

Hacienda La Minita
- Steam Anchor sources and utilizes only high-quality green coffee with transparency in supply chain that contributes to the farmers and producers.
- Steam Anchor goals are to only purchase responsibly produced beans and buy as direct to the farmer. Therefore, pursuing a fair and living wage for the farmers and producers.
- Our goal is to create a better product both at home for our guests and greater opportunity for our producers abroad.